(201) 641-6400
(201) 641-6400
The Detective Bureau handles all the applications for Firearms Identification Cards and Permits to Purchase Handguns. Please follow the directions below to apply for a Firearms ID Card or a Pistol Purchase Permit. A PDF version of the document can also be found HERE.
If you need any assistance you may contact a detective at [email protected] or by calling the detective bureau.
FARS Application Procedures
The firearms application process is now electronic. Please follow the below instructions for the Firearms Reporting System.
This entire process is applicant driven. Please be sure that all the information that you enter into the application is correct. Specifically phone numbers, email addresses, and ORI (NJ0025000).
You will receive automated emails from the FARS system throughout the process.
When deciding on how many permits that you would like please take the following into consideration:
One permit is needed for each handgun you wish to purchase ($25.00 each).
You can only purchase 1 handgun every 30 days.
Permits are good for 180 days.
After the process is over and you need an additional permit, you MUST complete the entire process again. Applications can not be modified to add additional permits.
Step 1: Go to the website https://njportal.com/NJSP/fars if the link does not work please copy and paste it into a new browser window.
Step 2: Click on the orange button that says “Online Firearms Application”.
Step 3: Enter the ORI for the Ridgefield Park Police Department NJ0025000 then click “Continue” and complete the entire application process.
Please advise the references that you list in the FARS system. The FARS system will automatically email them to complete the questionnaire. These questions are completed online, so your reference can answer them from any device with an Internet connection.
Please print a copy of all documents for your records.
Step 4: Once your application and the background investigation have been completed you will receive an email from the New Jersey State Police with a link to access a copy of your FID (Firearms Identification) card. Pistol permits are now issued digitally through the FARS system, there is no longer a paper permit. When you visit a firearms dealer they will be able to access your permit via a personal identification number issued by the FARS system.
Payment will need to be submitted at this time. Each Pistol Purchase Permit is $25.00 and the FID Card is $50.00 (if applicable). Money orders are the only accepted form of payment. One money order can be used for the entire amount. All money orders should be made out to "Village of Ridgefield Park".
For further information, please visit the New Jersey State Police website at https://nj.gov/njsp/.